Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How I found ItWorks! About me...

My name is Valerie Reel, I am an Army wife and stay at home mom. I will be completely honest.
I was a total and complete skeptic when I was invited to go to an ItWorks! party, I just went because it was something out of the house and a little time away from the kids that was much needed. I sat there listening to everything that was being said, well I partially listened to be honest. I watched what was going on and then I saw some results from a couple of people that tried the wraps. Then I said what the heck?! I will try it and see, I mean it was worth the 25$ to try and to even have the possibility of all my hard work exercising and eating pretty healthy to show some sort of something for my efforts. I tried it and I was hooked. I couldn't believe what it did for me. I am not where I want to be yet, But I am trying and it gave me more motivation to try even harder.
I have had 2 c-sections and if you have had multiple c-sections you know the toll it can take on the mid-section. My son was too big for my size and was my second child, he did a number. Gave me loose skin and stretch marks. I am not saying that they are totally gone after 1 wrap, but I can see a difference. It makes me want to wrap more and work out more and see results for myself. It made me feel good about myself, which is something I hadn't felt in a long time. I am sure some of you can relate to that. You work so hard to achieve something and to not see results it really brings you down and puts you into a pretty bad slump, not just physically but emotionally. I am not saying that these products cure any type of medical illness, it just made me feel good about myself to see something happen to my body.
I decided that as soon as I had the cash I was going to start to sell these products. especially if there is anyone out there that feels the way that I do.
I am an anti-chemical fanatic, and finding something that is botanically based and detoxes, is amazing. I never wanted to try the other products out on the market that have a lot of chemicals that can get trapped into your body. So, to find something that helps to get out the toxins that we put into our bodies everyday? That is just a miracle to me. I didn't know that such a product had come about that could do that. 
I will be honest again in saying that along with the detoxification, if I felt that great about trying it 1 time, then what are the chances that someone else would feel that way too? And bring in a little extra cash as well? Yes, I jumped at that. For me it was perfect timing to really get to know about this. I had some tragedy occur and I was in a rut, well honestly, not completely out of it yet, but having something more to do is helping me. And it gives me something to focus on when my Studly has to be gone for long periods of time. And like I said, who doesn't want to make a little extra cash? I know that in this economy my family does, but at the same time I need to be with my kids, especially when my husband is gone so often, this is giving my the opportunity do do that. The only thing now is to put in as much effort as I can possible muster up. Only we hold the drive to push ourselves forth. In faith and in our own personal efforts.
I will add more to this as I continue on in my ItWorks! business, letting you know the results that I have and how the business part of this goes. I have always wanted to run my own business, and here you do that but you have all the help you could want. And I like that.
God Bless and Bring on the SEXY!