Thursday, May 23, 2013


Ok, I need to put this out there. I get asked a lot, why choose It Works? Why is this the company you chose? If you are into the health and wellness why It Works?
Here's my Question back....
Why Not? 
I chose the company that has the highest momentum in the country. The fastest growing company in the world. A company that focuses on helping every distributor become debt free. And every single customer and distributor become healthier, using natural products that work with your body and not against it. To me this it the perfect place for me. I bring in an income, I help others, I help my team and my family and customers (which I consider apart of my team) get healthier and feel better. I think that is a win win all the way around the board. And as soon as I am debt free (which I am not far from it  you best believe I will be on here posting it away!)
My life has changed a lot since It Works. I have a more positive out look, I am using my brain not just a stay at home mom, which dont get me wrong just being a stay at home mom is amazing and a job that is hard as hell. I mean for me, I need something to do while at home that is more than house chores, something that I get to do for myself and family. And I enjoy being able to say "Hows the dinner when I bought it?!" Yes I like that, because for a long time I didnt have a job I didnt feel like I was contributing to the family. Since I have been we have gotten to do a lot more. And my children can even tell you about the It Works products and what they do and they are on several of them that help them.
And really, what are you waiting for?
I choose It Works, its getting me where I want to go and where my family wants to go. The time is now to ride to the top and have beach money. I WANT THAT BEACH MONEY! LOL
That is why I choose It Works. Ready to join the Team about Teams? JOIN HERE!!!

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