Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Brutal Truth about your Health Resolutions

1- I mean it this year...
Ok, if you mean it this year why didn't it count the last few times that you have done it? Stop seeing it as a "fad" as a "resolution". Start making it a dedication to yourself. To be healthy, to live longer and commit yourself to it. Ready to make that dedication?

2- No one will do it with me...
First off, someone will. Or I will. All you have to do is contact me and I will help and even share what I do with you and we can do it together. Its just an excuse, once you get past your excuses is when the real results start to show. It doesn't matter the reasons not to do it, what counts is the reasons why you thought of it or started to do it. Here is my email.

3 - I don't know if I can do it...
First off, STOP IT. You can do. If you set real goals for yourself and commit to yourself. If you don't give up after a week because you don't look or feel like "Barbie" (Which by the way is an unhealthy and unrealistic goal, her measurements are not possible) after a week your body isn't just going to snap back from all the abuse that you have been giving it! If you haven't been eating right, if you haven't been taking care of yourself, if you haven't been working out, even just a tiny bit, your body needs to adapt to the changes that you are making. You can't just expect a miracle overnight. Were you able to have a baby overnight? Did your baby grow a month overnight? Did you lose a few pounds overnight? And some are thinking right now "Well, you've got those wraps". You are right I do, and they are a wonderful tool, but unless you are magic, you are going to need more than one to reach the goal that you have, and its why we tell you not to give up after one, some people will see great results after one, and that's how their body works, doesn't mean yours will. It depends on the person and their body. And that goes with everything! When you start eating differently, start working out, its a change and your body needs to adjust to it. You need someone to talk to and to help? Contact me 912-373-3934 Email - Valerie Reel